The Monthlies Project

The Monthlies Project is a community initiative providing menstrual health products to school-aged students and bringing awareness to the issue of period poverty and the educational inequity it creates.

Lack of menstrual health products contributes to a growing issue —

period poverty.

Not only does period poverty negatively impact physical, mental, and emotional health, it can create a barrier to equal opportunity in education. Lack of access to menstrual health products can cause students with periods to miss or be late to class or feel anxious about period care. Chronic absenteeism affects achievement in school and leads to educational inequity.

The Monthlies Fund within the Women’s Fund for the Fox Valley Region, will be a resource to schools and community programs in Northeast Wisconsin to access menstrual health products. Programs can apply for menstrual health products and/or support for product distribution.

Products Distributed:

Staple Period Products
Period Underwear
Total Period Products



Chronic absenteeism affects achievement in schools, leading to educational inequity.


of young menstruators in school reported to have personally known someone who missed class due to lack of access to menstrual health products


of teens report they don't want to be at school during their period due to shame and self-consciousness

(De La Rose 2019, Smith and Straus 2019)

"With not even a full 4 days of school under out belts, having the leggings and underwear at school has kept at least 3 students in school. Thanks again for all you do!"

— Appleton Area School District


Public assistance programs are not permitted to be used to purchase menstrual health products leading to economic inequity.

Lack of access to menstrual health products can cause students with periods to miss or be late to class or feel anxious about period care. Unfortunately, other public assistance programs designed to help those facing financial hardships, such as SNAP and WIC, are not permitted to be used to purchase menstrual health products.


average amount a menstruator spends on products


average spent over the reproductive lifespan of menstruators from ages 12–52

(Sadlier 2019)

No one should be scared, embarrassed or worried about getting their period.

"When I got my period, my mom gave me tampons and pads. I’ve never had a problem getting sanitary products. But many young girls in grade school, middle school, and high school struggle to afford feminine products. It even costs a quarter for a pad at the high school! What student carries around change?

It’s important we provide basic hygiene necessities. And it’s just as important we talk about this. No one should be scared, embarrassed or worried about getting their period."

— Madison W  •  15  •  Monthlies Project Volunteer

About The Monthlies Project

The Monthlies Project is a community initiative aimed at providing menstrual health products to school-aged students and bringing awareness to the issue of period poverty and the educational inequity it creates. The Monthlies Fund, within the Women’s Fund for the Fox Valley Region, will be a resource to schools and community programs in Northeast Wisconsin and products are sourced through a number of local community partners.